The tremendous growth of the strategic management field has not mitigated the problem of\nlack of consistency in terminology. To make things even worse, general-purpose catalogs,\nsuch as ABI and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) have developed inconsistent lists of\nstrategy terms. The phenomenon weakens the legitimacy of the field as a normal science.\nBased on extensive review of business indices and high quality business journals, we help\naddress this problem by proposing a taxonomy for strategic management scholars to use in\nkey word selection. This effort is rendered in a three-step approach. First, we identify terms\nassociated with strategy by investigating two different types of databases, which are general\nindices such as ABI/INFORM and the Permuterm Subject Index (PSI) and journal indexes.\nSecond, we record an explicit definition for each of the terms identified. Finally, we eliminate\nany terms that were clearly not relevant to the field of strategy based on criteria established ex post selection of the terms. To complement our key word selections, we further propose a\npreliminary draft of an indexing system based on the Journal of Economics (JEL) model.\nTaken together, our research proposes a mechanism which can be used by the strategic\nmanagement field to help researchers signal the subject and scope of their studies more\neffectively.